your current location : Home >> 北京Brass solenoid valve


2021-06-05 13:50:58
Detailed introduction:


The safety valve plays a safety protection role for the system. If the system pressure exceeds the specified value, the safety valve is opened to discharge part of the gas/fluid in the system to the atmosphere/pipe, so that the system pressure does not exceed the specified value, so as to ensure that the system will not cause accidents due to excessive pressure.

Adjust the set pressure of the safety valve through the following steps:

②Before the safety valve leaves the factory, the opening pressure should be adjusted one by one to make it reach the setting value required by the user. If the user of the steam solenoid valve recommends the working pressure level of the spring, the factory will adjust the lower limit of the pressure level under normal circumstances.

User B must readjust the pressure value of the safety valve at the installation site before or before installing the safety valve on the protected equipment to ensure that the pressure value meets the requirements.

③Within the working pressure range of the spring indicated on the nameplate, the opening pressure can be adjusted by rotating the adjustment screw through the liquid solenoid valve and changing the compression of the spring.

④Before rotating the adjustment screw, the valve port pressure should be reduced to less than 90% of the opening pressure to prevent the valve flap from rotating when the adjustment screw is rotated, causing damage to the sealing cover.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the opening pressure, the adjusted medium conditions, such as the type of medium and temperature, should be as close as possible to the actual working conditions. The change of media type, especially in the state of different media aggregation, the opening pressure tends to change. In the case of an increase in temperature, the opening pressure will generally decrease. Therefore, when the room temperature is adjusted, the pressure value of the room temperature adjustment should be slightly higher than the required opening pressure value. The height of the valve is related to the structure and material selection of the valve.



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